
Jan 27, 2011

Pillow Talk D

Ninamori: Daughter to the illustrious and adulterous mayor of Mabase, Ninamori is not the happiest child, despite the fact that she’s a “Nuevo-rich” princess. Her parents are having marital troubles thanks to her fathers philandering, on top of which are the (unspecified) troubles with the law. Everyone knows about her father’s shady doings thanks to Naota’s father’s magazine, however when its brought up in her class she tries to play it off like its nothing (she also tries to act adult when Naota‘s father asks her about it, saying that it needed to be done and that the secretary “had to go” which may be something she genuinely felt but she definitely didn‘t want everyone in her school to know about her parents problems). She has feeling for Naota, which she tries to mask: though she rigs the votes in the class play so that her and Naota can co-star(and for reasons having to do with her parents) which allows her to spend time together outside of school. She shows affection for Naota when she spends the night at his house (confessing to rigging the votes, resting her head on his shoulder, putting her hand on his) and displays jealousy towards Haruko and Mamimi when they appear to have more than platonic relationships with Naota (when Haruko says she sleeps on the top bunk every night “all alone with cuddly Takun” and when Naota’s friends refer to Mamimi as “Naota’s wife”). Naota and Ninamor’s interactions are discussed in the post on Naota as well. One thing to note, as discussed in the previous post, both Naota and Ninamori pretend to be more adult like than they are, but Ninamori knows under the surface that its all just an act (when Naota says that school plays are for little kids Ninamori shouts at him that they are kids, something Naota tries fervently to ignore).
Ninamori and the Play: Ninamori is the lead role in their school’s rendition of “Puss in Boots.” She is the prince who has nothing and gains a kingdom with the help of her cat (Naota). Pretending to be something you’re not and eventually becoming that thing by pretending enough appeals to Ninamori, who thinks that if she pretends not to care about her parents issues enough that eventually she won’t care about them. Doubly she wishes to become friends/close to Naota by pretending to be (through their roles in the play). Besides speaking to her desires to change, Ninamori puts herself as the lead role in an attempt to get her parents to see it together (she and Naota have a heated exchange during a rehearsal when he attempts to quit during which she says that “everyone will see it” to which Naota replies “a few people will see it” and then Ninamori responds that her “parents are going to see it together”). Naota perhaps eventually agrees to do the play after Ninamori admits this because of something Mamimi says about school plays being stupid but still happy memories because her parents were together when they saw them: out of desire to try to prevent the same thing from happening to Ninamori or at least to give her those happy memories if they do may be Naota’s motive behind participating in the play. Bottled feelings about her parents as well as feelings about Naota are reason a chanel to N.O. is opened when Naota’s head collides with hers and when her true feeling regarding why she wants to do the play (namely that her parents are coming) are expressed it causes the M.M. robot to manifest itself from this outburst of emotions (the robots manifest from a combination of bottled up feeling being expressed and from impure expressions of romantic love, which in this case is Ninamori’s frustration with Naota instead of just telling him how she feels).

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