
Oct 2, 2010

On Twilight

Before I begin this I'd like to establish some things. First things first, I have only read the fourth book in this series (the details of WHY I embarked on this painful venture I would be more than willing to share but have no relevance to this discussion) and am basing everything following on my reading of only that book. Second, I am not trying to bash twilight based on its literary merit, style, etc. I am not an expert on literature and don't feel that I would be justified in discussing it on those merits (although in my opinion it WASN'T very good at all based on those merits). What I am attempting to do in this (hopefully series) is to point out the plot holes and things that I found comically nonsensical and offended my common sense as a human being.
Plot Holes:
One of the biggest plot holes in my opinion was that Edward could get Bella pregnant. Firstly, the fact that Edward is a vampire with no blood would make the logistics of the act in general a bit tricky since the male reproductive organ requires CIRCULATION to work, but if you want to explain it away with venom or vampire magic or whatever, since they never go into it in the book. The huge problem I have is in the way that the infertility of female vampires is explained in the book. Supposedly, no one ever had any way of knowing whether male vampires are fertile or not, because female vampires are infertile due to being frozen in the exact time they become vampire. Since they are frozen in time they no longer go through menstrual cycles, etc. This is the reasoning the book gives for female vampires infertility.
The one problem with this?
I'm sure most semi-intelligent people know this but apparently Ms. Meyer doesn't so I'm going to spell this out. Both male and female reproductive systems work on a very basic and fundamental level in the same way. Cells meios and produce gametes (sperm and egg cells for their respective genders). This means that if females can't produce eggs males can't produce sperm. Therefore, the entire premise of this book is contradictory and impossible.
Bella's Powers:
How fortunate that when Bella became a vampire her power manifested itself in a shield that could conveniently shield against the major threats the antagonists posed and conveniently she grasped how to extend the shield to protect everyone in their party, decisively defeating the antagonists. The entire "epic" final battle is a huge series of conveniences and Dragon Ball Z esque power level (without any of the ridiculous epicness) rises for no real reason except anger and "the power of love" the most bullshit way of writing yourself out of corners ever. And even though the shield kind of makes sense (because Edward can't read her mind before) but the fact that she can extend it has no explanation other than plot convenience.
That's all for now internet.
Next time, we finish Twilight.
Next in the series: Neon Genesis Evangelion (the what the fuck show that is awful, then amazing)

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